Lodge Breadalbane 657
The Aberfeldy Masonic Lodge, Chartered 3rd February 1881
Holding of the Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland
Updated 20th October 2024
Provincial Grand Lodge
of Perthshire West
Travelling Maul
Current holders of the Travelling Maul are Lodge St. James Doune No.171
A number of years ago Past Master, Jock Davidson, Lodge Bannockburn Bruce and Thistle, presented
the Province with what is known as the Travelling Maul. The idea is to promote visiting between the
Lodges in Perthshire West. To date, this has only circulated between a few Lodges, however should a
Lodge wish to Capture the Maul, Provincial Grand lodge has laid down some rules of engagement!
Rules for Capturing the Maul
1. The Deputation from the visiting Lodge must consist of at least 6 Lodge members, affiliated members
or honorary members of that Lodge.
2. When two Deputations arrive on the same evening then the Lodge with the largest contingent will prevail.
3. The ability to claim the Maul is only open to Lodges in the Province of Perthshire West
4. A Lodge may not claim the Maul when on a visit by invitation to work a degree in the Lodge holding the Maul.
5. The deputation from a Lodge visiting to claim the Maul must be led by the RWM or a Past Master.
6. The claiming Lodge must advise Provincial Webmaster when they obtain it so that website can be updated.